Local Sparring Clubs are the core of our network. When managed properly, local clubs offer the ideal context for a productive sparring session where members collectively maintain a respectful and active environment. 







No Clubs Near You? No Worries! We Got Your Back.

Our #Onward 2020 campaign is set to launch in January. Our goal is to support at least 10 sincere martial artists like you in setting up and managing YOUR own local sparring club using our proven system. No matter where you are in the world, there are certain to be other sincere martial artists nearby who would welcome the opportunity to test and refine their skills.We'll guide you step-by-step through our no-fuss process and support you in becoming a pillar in your local martial arts community. To get the ball rolling, Click Here to Start Your Local Sparring Club

© 2019 by Sparring Club. All rights reserved.